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Cyprus ASPS: how we can help

August 25, 2020

Each licensed Administrative Service Provider (ASP) in Cyprus is registered under CySEC, and must comply with the preparation and submission of the below-mentioned reports in order to be eligible for maintaining a valid license in Cyprus:

  • Annual Internal Audit Report.
  • MLCO Annual Report.
  • Monthly Prevention Report.
  • Quarterly Statistics Report.

We are an international corporate service provider with more than 15 years’ experience of rendering professional services to regulated companies in Cyprus, as well as to Cyprus Administrative Services Providers (ASP).

Our ASP services include:

Internal Audit

Providing internal audit services developed for regulated Administrative Services Providers (ASP) entities following CySEC standards, including:

  • Tailor-made internal procedures and processes preparation and development to the needs of each client by the relevant directives.
  • Designing and implementing of internal audit programs.
  • Preparing internal audit reports for management use and company internal audit committees.
  • Exercising of special investigations on fraud detection.
  • Various corporate governance services.
Anti-money laundering and compliance consulting services

Providing a full range of comprehensive support in compliance and AML compliant with the relevant and latest regulatory requirements as set by CySEC that may include assistance for preparation of Anti-money laundering and compliance officer reports. Including support for KYC and Anti-Money Laundering procedures and special investigations and due diligence processes and procedures, as well as various risk management services and checks.

Depending on the ultimate objective, our compliance risk management services may include:

  • Identity Confirmation.
  • Passport Verification.
  • Criminal Background & Record Checks.
  • Sanctions & Enforcement Checks.
  • State-Owned Enterprise Checks.
  • Politically Exposed Person Checks.
  • Court Filing Checks.
  • Adverse Media Checks.
Accounting and bookkeeping

Rendering bookkeeping, company maintenance, and assistance to our clients according to their individual requirements.

Please let us know if you have any questions about the abovementioned services by filling out the contact form. One of our local representatives will get back to you. Contact us.

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